Stuart, Florida.
Uno studente tredicenne di una scuola della Florida, e' stato arrestato perche' scorreggiava e spengeva i computers dei suoi compagni di classe..
Secondo il rapporto rilasciato lo scorso venerdi' dallo sceriffo della contea di Martin, "il ragazzo disturbava continuamente la classe facendo intenzionalmente flatulenze. Egli poi spengeva i computers che altri studenti stavano usando".
La polizia ha arrestato il ragazzo dopo che ha confessato il suo comportamento, ' e' stato accusato di disturbo della funzione scolastica ed e' stato poi rilasciato alla madre.
http://www.northcountrygazette.org/2008/11/22/criminal_gas/ :
Florida Student Arrested For Passing Gas
STUART, FLA—Don’t the police in Martin County have anything better to do than police farts?
Are criminal charges, judicial and prosecutorial resources and taxpayer dollars warranted to prosecute a 13-year-old child for farting?
Can’t school officials handle disruptive students?
A 12-year-old student at the Spectrum Junior-Senior High School in Stuart, Fla., was arrested Nov. 4 by the school’s resource officer, a member of the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, after a teacher said that he had “deliberately passed gas to disrupt the class” and had turned off the computers of his classmates.
The boy’s name was withheld due to him being a juvenile.
According to the police report, the boy “continually disrupted his classroom environment” by intentionally passing gas and shutting off computers other students were using.
The boy had been taken to the administration office for disciplinary action and on questioning, admitted his behavior. He was then criminally charged with “disruption of school function”.
The 4’ 11” prep was turned over to his mother following the arrest. He observed his 13th birthday on Nov. 15. 11-22-08
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